Climate and weather in New York

Climate and weather in New York

New York has a humid subtropical climate.

Winters are cold and wet and average temperatures range between -3 and 11 degrees Celsius. The temperature can even drop to -12C several times in the winter. Snow is common in January and February without excluding December and the holiday season.

Summers are hot and humid and average temperatures range between 16 and 29 degrees Celsius. The temperature can even rise to 35C several times during the summer.

In spring and autumn the weather is mild with some humidity but often unpredictable, with cold nights and lots of rain. Average temperatures in spring range between 2 and 27 degrees Celsius and in autumn between 0 and 25 degrees Celsius.

Rain is very common throughout the year, so the umbrella should be always available.

Of course all of the above are averages and may vary by the time of your visit. It is a good idea to check the weather before you travel and during your stay in New York.

In early August 2022 when we visited New York, the average was about 32 degrees Celsius, but, combined with the humidity and walking, it felt like about 36 degrees Celsius. Of the 12 days we stayed, two were cloudy and rainy.

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